I Have Oils
Now What?

Congratulations on your new journey and your empowerment to your own health. You just received your new kit of doTERRA essential oil products now what to do from here? Betsy Balkcom has compiled a beautiful presentation to walk you through the next steps with your new kits. I have oils now what? Please also see the PDF form below for your own notes. When done click on the button, "Completed." You will be directed to the "Webinars" challenge page and select "Wellness Education Series" to complete the questionnaire to be able to receive credit for completing the course.
Want to learn how others are using their oils and other doTERRA products? Being apart of my team you are invited: Join us every Wednesday evening at 7pm MT time for our "Have oils, now what?" call for free. Hear other doTERRA friends discuss the everyday uses of essential oils, safety tips, tricks and success stories. Team Members only please. Dial 515-604-9000 access code 635544. To receive call info go to: Remind.com/join/lovemyoils or text exactly as shown in the parenthesis (@lovemyoils) to 81010. By listening to the calls and joining our support group on facebook, called "Love My Oils Support Group," request to join, to be able to ask questions among all other members for support and how they use the oils. After the weekly calls you will have the opportunity to win free oils by commenting in the Facebook page what you loved or learned about the calls.