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Adaptiv - Mental Wellness Line

The Adaptiv System is a toolbox to help the body and mind stay balanced during life’s stressful moments. Comes in 3 forms.


Science of Adaptiv

This system has been clinically studied especially for children

· GABA – Gamma Aminobutyric Acid. The Main inhibitory neurotransmitter acting on GABA brain receptors. Helps with those anxious feelings

· Sceletium Root – consists of four main alkaloids for neurotransmitter support that we need from Serotonin and GABA

· Ahiflower – Plant base rich Source of Omega 3 fatty acid to support a number of healthy brain functions

· Lavender, Coriander, Wild Orange and Fennel

  • Linalool compound on stress, intense sadness, feeling of overwhelmed.

“Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived…odors, instantaneous and fleeting, cause my heart to dilate joyously or contract with remembered grief” – Helen Keller

Part of that experience is because of the limbic system which is the balancer for mood and emotion


Two most important parts of the brain to point out is Hypothalamus and the Amygdala

o Amygdala

o Hypothalamus is the cascade of the limbic system

  • Responsive to is smell

  • Supplement = long term benefits

  • Oils = fast acting benefits


Dr. David Hill's Protocol

Mental Wellness Protocol

This protocol is a daily use supplementation. This may seem a lot but understand it’s more challenging to deal with the mental/emotional challenges. These products are best used together, Adaptiv capsules, Serenity capsule and Lifelong Vitality Pack. We love the LLV (Lifelong Vitality) as a foundation for optimal health and Adaptiv to help cope with the daily stressors and Serenity at night time to help shut the mind down for that restful sleep. Not to forget about eating healthy to support our mental wellness but also must stay active.

Albert Einstein quote - strange our situation here upon earth each of us comes for a short visit not knowing why yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose from the standpoint of daily life, however there is one thing that we do know that we are here for the sake of other men. Above all for those upon smiles and well being are our own happiness depends for the countless unknown souls whose fate we are connected to by a bond of sympathy.


Why Adaptiv

Certain Essential oils and botanical have been shown to help soothe feelings of anxiousness, support feelings of relaxation, and improve perception of well being. Adaptiv is scientifically formulated for aromatic, topical, and internal benefits.

Our bodies are naturally made to be adaptive, to make changes to thrive in the environment. Our adaptive abilities can be compromised in a number of ways.

  • Chronic stress

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Sedentary life styles

  • Environmental toxins

To support and enhance our bodies natural ability to adapt, took the very best research of the individual components of both the oil blend and a supplement to combined them into the adaptiv products. Conducted clinical tests on induced stress situation.

Adaptiv aromatic blend

Subjects came in voluntarily. Some were staff members, and also studies youngest test population of kids as they are the most chronically stressed than any generation before them. To qualify had to take 2 assessment tests (Math and English questions increasing in difficulty) had a pulse reader and temperature reader on their forehead.

  • Looking for particular characteristic

  • Diffused adaptive or water placebo diffused in two different rooms didn’t point out any diffusers at all the participants were unaware.

  • They had the subjects then go to the other room with the different diffuser and take another assessment test. Compared the results. Randomized.

Study showed in the room with the adaptiv diffused

  • Higher test scores

  • Lower heart rate

  • They had the volunteers rate themselves

For the ones in the room of adaptiv rated their stress level lower than when they were in the room with just water diffused. Those taking the supplement also in the room with adaptiv rated their stress level even much lower. Participants wrote down what they felt when they smelled Adaptiv.

Molecular Clues of Activity

Following is the data from neuron cells culture of the brain cells.

Looking at the protein compound in the brain on the far left column on the second photo. Two columns on the far right are controls knowing how they would react to those substances to compare to Adaptiv. Adaptiv supplement is the 4th column to the left, the individual pieces of Adaptiv are the columns to the right such as the oil blend, GABA, Zembrin, Ahiflower,

  • Blue = more protein path ways was turned up was activated

  • Red = path way was dialed down fewer proteins were created or activated.

  • Adaptiv has more blue which means a calming affect

Take-Home Test

First supplement trial, first had participants across the country. The largest completion of 80 people taking the supplement for 4 weeks. The youngest participant was 12 years old. Their response were:

  • Increasing sense of calm

  • Mentally sharp

  • Equipped to handle stressors

  • More in control, calm and productive

· The 2nd picture of the red change indicated the neurons adapting stabilizing

· Adaptiv Supplement Validated Self-Reporting Scales (first supplement trial)

  • As a group experienced overall a calming effect

  • 1 individual started at a score of 20 almost the highest you can get on the stress level after 4 weeks went down to a 3.

Stress is the trash of modern life – we all generate it, but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will overtake your life. – Danzae Pace

[Nicole Stevens Director Essential Oil Research and Formulation]


Brief characteristics of the Adaptiv Capsules

  • Interacts with the Gaba in the brain – neurotransmitter that helps calm the mind

  • Includes Lavender oil – when used internally more effective than Xanax

  • Includes Fennel seed oil – helps balance blood sugar

  • Helps support emotional responses with our moods and hormones

The Emotional side of Adaptiv

Great to feel peace with self and not experience grief, and anxiety. The blend is about adaptability, assist with anxious state, worry, or uneasy. Due to prolong stress the mind body responses becomes over active to protect itself. Adaptiv helps one to recognize themselves to give themselves a voice of what part of themselves needs addressed and attention.


Anonymous Testimonials

· Takes one soft gel daily with stress and anxiety

  • Calming, promotes positive mood, encourage relaxation supports mental well being

  • Calls her Adaptiv soft gels the "Happy Pill"

· Adaptive 15 ml oil

  • Powerful by diffusing, soak in Epsom salt bath with 3-5 drops added to the salt first

  • Mix 2 drops with FCO (Fractionated Coconut Oil) for massage

  • Diffuse 3-5 drops and add 2 drops in hands and inhale

· Adaptive Touch

  • Roll in between head, neck and shoulder, experience less stress held in neck and shoulders.

  • Apply to wrist and temples.

  • Applied on her 8 y/o from having a temper tantrum and instantly calmed down and began playing with no problem

· Great to feel peace with self and not experience grief, and anxiety

· Husband suffers with PTSD, anxiety, situational depression. Family has been deployed to Japan.

  • The family uses the roller for Adaptiv over heart, behind ears, wrist and pulse points

  • Helps keep calm and focused

  • In Japan there are so many people literally they are on top of you and with having a little child anxiety was so bad had to use the roller under nose

  • Daughter is 5 yrs old, never been away from family like this especially during the holidays

    • Having behavior issues due to the move, very stressed

    • Loves Balance and will put that on the back of her neck by herself to help her keep grounded

    • Will diffuse Balance and Adaptive in the diffuser, within 30 min. could tell that she was a brand new kid

    • Adaptiv is helping her cop with these emotions




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Monica Einsel

Independent Wellness Advocate

Advocating for a new healthier you to become the best version of yourselves by using natural solutions to improve energy, sleep, and wellness.

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