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Back to School Essentials with doTERRA

As summer is coming to an end and the children are going back to school that brings to mind several things. Getting back into a schedule and routine, the beginning of cold season, being around others, catching colds, brings on more stressors that are not necessary. This focus is on going through what to do for the kiddos, even our college age kiddos and also what to do for the teachers and for the parents of the students, along with personal testimonies.


We got to get our kids immune system working optimally, ok! This goes without saying right, given the pandemic and given just cold and flu season, going back to school and kids share germs. Again, building their immune system up so that their body can effectively fight off, or at least recover quicker. The gut health is really important, 70 to 80% of our immune function resides in our gut.

Probiotics and enzymes

Probiotics and enzymes are so critical for the whole family, adults as well as children. Terrazyme can be mixed into oatmeal if the child can't swallow the capsule. The PB assist JR is a powder for the little kids as well. We have all heard the saying you are what you eat, or what I like to say you are what you absorb is very true.

Eating more nutrient dense food Is going to be a win, along with supplementing with whole food based vitamins, minerals like LLV (Lifelong Vitality) and the A to Z children supplements.

Stress Reduction

The Adaptiv products and a number of other oils those are really beneficial for helping us to de-stress, such as serenity helps us with sleep or even feeling more calm. Serenity can be taken even during the day just to feel calmer. To feel more restful, cutting out the screen time before bed, getting off the tablets, the screens, the cell phones, laptops, 30 to 60 minutes before bed, actually makes a major change in the body to be able to wind down, regulate, and calm down and not have that stimulation. There are a variety of oils that can be used for relaxing and calming. Of course, we want our kids to have good oral hygiene, is important. The On Guard toothpaste, mouthwash contains clove oil along with Melaleuca or tea tree oil for the gum health is super amazing.


It’s really interesting to me as you research about the number of health issues that pop up, just because we aren't drinking enough water. This is really true for our kids as well. A hydrated cell is a healthy cell. Dr. Hill, founder of doTERRA has been teaching this for many years, that we should be adding citrus oils to our drinking water. Choose any doTERRA citrus oil that you enjoy to add to your water, they all have very similar chemistry, high amounts of linolool which is very beneficial for the body. We need to do that each and every day to get that benefit.

Time in Nature

Spending time in nature, getting some sun, vitamin D production, grounding by actually touching the Earth, whether it's with your hands or bare feet. Breathing in the fresh air and then of course, connection. We have really learned that connection in this pandemic time when many of us have been separated from people we care about. Connection is really important. Human physical touch is incredibly healing, and so that's really important too, and especially for our kiddos as they're going back to school.

On Guard, Stronger and Breathe

A couple other things that we need to be mindful of would be the entire On Guard products line, the Stronger blend, which is available this month of August in a 5 mL bottle. Normally the blend Strong is only available in the touch line for the kids. The Stronger blend is the kid version of On Guard. It is a different combination of oils still very effective as the On Guard blend. The Stronger blend has a bit more mild aroma for the kiddos, not as hot as On Guard.

Breathe blend is all things respiratory; also has its own line of products. And then our other immune support oils, Rose, Melissa, Oregano, Ginger, Turmeric, Copaiba and Frankincense, and additional supplements for immunity, for adults as well as children. Turmeric Softgels, Copaiba Softgels, Cellular Beauty Complex, GX Assist and so, all of these are going to be critical for immune support.

Mask Diffuser

Should your kiddos be living in an area where they do have to mask up to go to school let's make it at least a positive experience for them. They make great personal diffusers, let them pick an oil that is pleasant for them, and beneficial to them. Maybe it's adaptive, or lavender, or whatever it is. Obviously, nothing hot, but something that's calming, or maybe something like, Motivate, would be a great option as well.


Personal Testimonies

Sandy - our grandchild takes the On Guard Plus before bed. As our bodies rest and relax at bedtime, taking one before bed will build the immune up. This has kept us healthy, especially when we do a lot of doterra booths, and we are amongst the public a lot. But that has been extremely beneficial to keep our immune system in check.

I 100% recommend the On Guard Plus. You have Melissa added in there and oregano and black pepper. And that's what makes it the On guard Plus super powerful.You can see pictured there in the background, The On Guard Plus protective blend. I can't recommend that enough.


Back to School Essentials Kit

For the month of August and September, doTERRA is doing a special, Back to School Essentials Kit. Given the new world we live in is filled with disinfectants and hand sanitizer washing of the hands, which is a great thing. No problem with that at all. But let's use products that are not toxic that are not filled with neurotoxins used in many antiseptic, especially gel based soaps and hand cleaners. Let's go as clean as humanly possible, which we can, with the On Guard line. Includes the On Guard hand soap, hand sanitizer mist that kills 99% bacteria all naturally, and the hand wipes. It is a discounted package at $50 if you were to go online and order all these products individually; it actually would be just over $62, OK, to buy them normally. So we're getting a pretty good discount, of about a 20% discount on that set, plus your 25% membership discount making it 45% off all together. It is definitely worth it. I'm here to help get you started.

So as we transition into talking about what we're doing for the teachers and the classroom, we want to implement the On Guard products everywhere we can. The on guard cleaner concentrate because it's a cleaner we can use without introducing toxins into the environment in the classroom. We want to have the sanitizer mist and the wipes always available. Diffusing On Guard oil is definitely going to be a win.

Anytime that we can implement On Guard into the classroom, then we should do so. for the teachers in the room. I think it's a profession that is highly underrated and underpaid given the importance of it.

We should talk about Adaptiv, especially in our current environment. Adaptiv, I think is a product that is going to be life changing for teachers.

As many of you know, if you're not familiar with this product, this is a renowned solution for stress and anxiety, and it really does a phenomenal job. The aroma is really pleasant. It's one of my favorites; this is a great one to diffuse at home and in the classroom to help calm the students. Of course for yourself, you can use the soft gels to help take the edge off and really be able to de stress.


Personal Testimonies

Angela - I have two nieces who have a non-profit and that non-profit, they are working in the high schools in the local area, various districts and they will work well with a lot of students with challenges. So they were having some personal issues because of their work. And so I gave them some of the adaptive to roll on their race and then the various pulse points. And they say that just made a major difference in their anxiety level, while working with these children who are having so many issues. So, Yay for adaptive.

I agree 100%, that adaptiv is a must for teachers, and parents. Whether you have teenagers, or little ones, it's going to be helpful all the way around. Having the products in your classroom, you can see this is the classroom makeover. I suggest also reading my blog on Adaptiv explaining the benefits and the research.


Classroom Makeover

Here are recommendations to have available in the class, many of the products that we've already talked about and some great diffusion blends. Here are diffusing blends to help increase focus and concentration.

By combining a little frankincense and wild orange together in a diffuser or frankincense and peppermint are very powerful. To help calm down, lavender serenity, bergamot, balance and Roman chamomile, obviously the citrus oils and adaptiv would fit into this one as well to wake up a sleepy class. Motivate would be great option for that.

As students are going back to school let's talk about emotional health for students and parents. Sometimes we forget that the emotional benefit to using certain essential oils, we forget that our bodies are these massively complex chemistry systems. We sometimes don't realize how much our emotions and our health are connected, and they really are interwoven together. Our emotional health, our mental health, our spiritual health, is so many different areas. Obviously, you know, what we eat matters, what we drink Maters. Having these essential oils that have the ability to affect emotion and support the body emotionally is really, really powerful. And we have specifically for the kids this kids' collection.

Kid’s Collection

But what I love about this kid's collection is the kids can use them anywhere on their bodies without any fear of overdoing it or getting oils where they shouldn't. But, all of these aromas trigger certain emotional benefits and support.

Beneficial for the parents also by giving the kiddos that support in motivate, cheer, passion, forgive, console or piece, depending on the emotion that we're looking to support. All of these oils are available both in five ML for Diffusion and also in the touch version for topical application. Again for the month of August you get the motivate touch. Great to use before giving speeches in front of a classroom and so forth.

Emotional health is stressful for parents and children, by having the Brave formula within the kids kit is really amazing. For children that are a little bit sheepish a little bit uncertain or unsure of going back to school, Brave is a great solution for that.


Personal Testimonies

Tara - Thank you so much and I'm gonna grab my eight year old to talk about her Kids Collection, we love it, that was my first purchased from doterra Convention ever. When they announced that my husband and I looked at each other, we were like, we're getting it, because my daughter was constantly asking when do I get my own oils? So why don't you tell them, Autumn, what you love about your kids Collection. Do you have a favorite oil that you use? Yeah, Tamer has been huge. Before we had doterra, she would get car sick all the time to the point of throwing up.Tamer especially has been huge for her in the car like we don't travel without it.

She just rubes it on her tummy and smells it to calm the car sickness. Now we are baby stepping our two year old into the Kids collection as well. Last week she fell and cut her foot really, really badly and we were trying to decide if we should go to urgent care. Luckily my husband, was able to clean it with the oils and treat it, but that calmer roller was huge, you know, just because it was so traumatic for all that we're all using, calmer. Luckily she's OK. Autumn has been using doterra oils since she was 5 and is 8 now, she is old enough now she has her collection and she keeps them on her all the time. She knows how to use them as we've worked on that. So she's empowered with these for sure.


Lifelong Vitality

Here we are an essential oil company, but the LLV (Lifelong Vitality) is actually our number one product we sell more of than anything else. Going back to that statement I made in the beginning that you are what you eat, even if you're eating as healthy as you can. We still don't get all the nutrition that we need. Our food does not have to nutrition it like it used to even the good, organically grown foods. I mean, they're better, of course, but they just don't have everything they used to have. Studies have shown that the ground is becoming more depleted of nutrients for our food. And so supplementation is a necessity. It is no longer a question do I need to supplement, the answer is yes, it is a necessity. Check out the list of benefits, It's amazing.

Please check out my webinar going more in detail on each product and the research on the benefits. We must be aware of the issues from store bought supplements.

College & Homeschooling Please


College Survival Kit

Intune, peppermint, and Thinker will be the go-to. Intune, is the focus blend. It is to help concentrate and really be able to zero in on what's going on. Peppermint is always great, as a wake up, and so you gotta be careful where you put it right back of the neck is great. A drop in your water is plenty, just one drop no more. A drop of peppermint under the tongue will wake you up instantly. As for Thinker is going to help do that as well.

Peppermint, Motivate and Wild Orange are the ones I use when I have that dread of getting up, to get going. As mentioned earlier Motivate, is the free product of the month, as shown in the picture. All of the citrus oils are mood elevating and help you get up and get going, for example Spearmint and Motivate is a great combination for those class presentations. Roll on a little bit of motivate behind the ears, also on the palm of your hands and add a little bit of spearmint, cup your hands over your nose and take a few deep breaths.

If you're a college student there are going to be late nights, many of us have been there. I remember those days. You know, bedtime seldom came before midnight. And often you were eating lots of different foods late into the night, which again is not the best thing for your body. But if you're going to do it, at least we have the DigestZen product line available, includes the DigestZen essential oil or soft gels for all things digestion, enzymes (TaraZymes) are going to be helpful anytime you will be eating later or a large quantity, heavy meals of any kind, and the DigestTab which you can think of as a superior replacement to Tums for anti-acid. Our gut is our second brain. When our gut is not healthy it makes it absolutely difficult to concentrate and think clearly.

Stress and anxiety, especially in our college age population, has gone through the roof, even pre-COVID. It was epidemic levels before and now it's even higher. So of course, our stress and anxiety oils are going to be beneficial for that.

Cleaning is always a must, got to clean our dorm rooms. We all say cleaning is a chore well it doesn’t have to be. On store shelves there is a cleaner for everything. I like to keep things and my life simple. I use one cleaner for everything, the floors, the counter tops, the dishes, the bathrooms, everything and that is On Guard Concentrated cleaner. Ever since I made the switch I have not had one cold since and that is going on 5 years now. I used to get them twice a year like clockwork, sore throats, sinus congestion, chest congestion, and bronchitis and ear infections all together at once for 9 years in a row. Always had to be on antibiotics and inhalers. I truly believe the store bought cleaners were making us sicker and being on constant antibiotics broke down the immune system even more where it was a constant cycle. With that being said once I made that switch our health improved immensely including my headaches, the list goes on. All the citrus oils, especially Lemon will get things off of the floor off of the wall off of the Grease Board. It will get bubblegum out of hair. And of course, the entire On guard product line for boosting immunity and fighting germs. These I cannot stress enough are going to be great, simple, and powerful options. I have experienced it, these natural solutions are empowering. Our cells cannot be lied to when it comes to synthetics, our cells know what is pure and natural.

Your shower caddy essentials. This is all about removing toxins wherever we can from our environment. I mean there are some we cannot eliminate, right? Obviously we have to breathe the air we are in. We can alter the products we are putting on us and in us, as much as possible by choosing natural hair care, skin care and body care, which are free of many of those contaminants and synthetics. By the way, the new Hair care products, if you haven't tried those, highly recommended they are awesome. A few more favorites are diffusers in the rooms are a must. Deep blue, On Guard laundry soap, to sanitize clothes and you'll get the stink out. And breathe essential oil for respiratory support, can add a drop on your face mask. Eucalyptus essential oil is really popular and really effective at helping respiratory support.

Eucalyptus in the shower is a must in my opinion. I keep a bottle in the shower at all times.


Brain Function

I want to talk about the A2Z, and the IQ Omega and the critical role that Omega threes have in brain function. I want you to notice this third bullet. Children with ADHD may have low levels of certain essential fatty acids. In a clinical study of nearly 100 boys, those with lower level of omegas had more learning and behavioral problems than boys with normal omega three levels. Something to keep in mind.

Omegas are really, really critical for the major organs of the body, really the whole body, but specifically your brain, and your heart. Adequate supply of omega three fatty acids helps to support brain function, improve memory, and cognitive function.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids have an anti-aging effect and slow down the onset of age related brain disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Just these two alone have been on the rise like crazy right now. Alzheimer's diagnosis rates increased 200% between 2013 and 2017 in people aged 30 to 64. Dementia increased by 117% between 1990 and 2016, according to the study findings. The results showed that globally, the number of prevalent dementia cases increased from 20.2 million in 1990 to 43.8 million in 2016 between 1990 and 2016. So not only is it really critical for us to be getting our omegas, but also our students.

If I didn't drive this home, hard enough let me just drive home a little bit harder. These are studies that I looked up online. You can look these up yourself. They have nothing to do with any doterra products what so ever. They were simply studies on the benefits of Omega three fatty acids in the research that was conducted.

27 Studies on the Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

· Beneficial effects in bipolar disorders

· Beneficial effects in rheumatoid arthritis and among some asthmatics

· Lowers blood pressure

· Reduces the incidence of sudden cardiac death

· Reduction in coronary heart disease

· Therapeutic effect in children with ADHD

· Beneficial effect on attentional, behavioral, and emotional problems of children and adolescents

· Significant therapeutic effect on children with autism

· Effective treatment for children with autism

· Improves peripheral vascular disease

· Decreasing inflammation, in patients with cystic fibrosis

· Reduces the severity of symptoms in patients with systemic lupus

· Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and total mortality

· Decreases inflammation and prevents pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction

· Postpone cognitive decline

· Therapeutic effect on postpartum depression

· Exhibits therapeutic value in the treatment of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptomatology.

· Prevents and reverses insulin resistance

· Beneficial for children with bronchial asthma

· Contribute to the prevention of early preterm birth

· Associated with a 63% reduction in prostate cancer-specific mortality

· Decrease the severity of autoimmune disorders

· Reduces the need for NSAIDs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

· Inhibitory effect on breast cancer growth and metastasis

· Shown to be more effective than placebo for depression in both adults and children and in an open study of bipolar depression

· As effective as fluoxetine (Prozac) in treating major depression disorder

· Reduce risk of pneumonia

There are hundreds if not thousands of studies out there on the benefits of omegas.

xEO Omega that you see there in the middle, is the one that I take, has 2000 milligrams of Omega three fatty acids, but also has eight essential oils, and a myriad of other ingredients that are phenomenal, phenomenal, and so important for health. And then, of course, we have the vegan version, which is just the plant based omegas. And the IQ mega, which is just purely liquid fish oil, the fish taste has been removed, has the wild orange flavor. So, great for the younger kids. If they are old enough to swallow the xEO Mega, the one there in the middle, it is a medium sized pill, I would have them take that. The IQ Mega is great, but the xEO Mega is a vastly superior product to the others.


Personal Testimonies of xEO Mega

Christy - I want to say it's been a game changer for my son who is inattentive, has ADHD and is also dyslexic. It has been wonderful. I took him off of his medication, and, uh, I just can't say enough nice things about it and he is thriving in school. He is a sophomore in high school. He weighs 130 so he takes at least three xEO Mega’s at once every day. It's amazing, he's getting really awesome grades and it’s doing wonders with his Dyslexia. I mean it's helped with his reading, attention, everything. So it's amazing.

Miriam - I started taking the omegas because my legs always felt really heavy in the morning, due to not very good circulation. So, I started with the omegas but then I noticed that on my allergies and breathing also got better. So I can't be without them.


Children Supplements

As adults we should be using the LLV every single day. It has all three of those critical products that we need to having a thriving lifestyle. Children are not necessarily just like us, as adults. So doTERRA has created the A2Z chewable, specifically for the kiddos and I love this part. Lets take a look at what actually goes into this product because, this was hard. This was hard to create in a way that it would be effective, tastes good and to get all the right nutrition in it, specifically for kids.

So this is what's in it

· Pineapple

· Pomegranate

· Lemon Spirulina – a great source of proteins, vitamins and amino acids and some other minerals.

· Sunflower oil

· Rice bran

· Beats - the greens from the beets actually

· Broccoli

· Rice

· Carrots

· Mango’s

· Cherries

· Roseate seeds

· Spinach

· Cranberries

· Dentin

· Frankincense Resin - my very favorite

· Grape seed extract,

· Marigold flower extract for the lutein content.

· Strawberries

· Beats the actual beat themselves.

· Molasses, honey and maple sugar to give it a little bit of sweetness

Such a beautiful product, I myself love them. These are great for adults too. When I feel that squeamish feeling coming over me either low blood sugar, or hunger coming on. I take a couple of these when I’m on the go to help get that strength back and bring that energy level back up.


Personal Testimonies on A2Z Chewable

Sarah - My husband can't swallow pills at all, regardless of the size. So he takes these and he just doubles the dosage and then our two year old has been taking them ever since he turned one, and he also takes the Omega the liquid omega off the spoon. So these products have allowed my husband to still be on clean whole food vitamins without having to take the gummy, that we don't use at our house. So, it's great.

Sheree - I have a great niece that comes and visits me every year, and she cannot wait to come and visit me because I always have these vitamins for her. Every morning, lunch and dinner she says, can I have another one? She just loves them.


Health Begins in the Gut

As we went over the importance of supplementation we also need to go over PB assist. Science research is really documenting the massive connection between our gut health and our emotional health or mental health, our immune function overall. Looking at these stats more than 40 diseases have been linked to bacterial imbalance, including depression, arthritis, IBS and cancer. Gut bacteria creates 95% of the body's serotonin. 70 million Americans suffer from digestive disease, 68% of our immune system is located in the gut. In other words our bodies are more bacteria than human. Our bodies have 10 times more microbes than human cells. Gosh, you know, it's a symbiotic environment and we need those bacteria, the good ones anyways. And the good bacteria battles off the bad bacteria. But we can kill off the good bacteria by certain medications, antibiotics is the biggest way to kill off the good bacteria. Most of us are depleted and not getting enough probiotics.

And so we have the PB assist for the adults and then PB assist JR for the kiddos. A lot of us adults use this one as well because It's like eating a pixie stick. Each little sachet has five billion living cells, six different strains chosen for the benefit of children.

Each one is micro encapsulated, meaning that the live probiotic is encapsulated by a protective coating. With the protective coating it is able to survive the digestive process, one of the struggles with getting probiotics. For example, yogurts that say, there's tons of bacteria present most of them are going to be wiped out and destroyed from the stomach acid. So most of it is never going to make it into the intestines where you need it. So that's why this is so important because these probiotics are going to survive the digestive process and make it to where they need to go.

Researchers from California Institute of Technology have proven there is a connection between health and children with autism. Further research has also shown a major link between gut health and depression and anxiety. With that being said this is a must go to product each day for our kids. And then for us adults we can take it too. Or we can take the regular PB assist capsules, which are better structured for adults, the strains of bacteria that are in the regular PB assist. But obviously, the PB assist JR. is going to be beneficial as well.

Supporting our kiddos immune system and to be ready for the stress and anxiety that comes with starting school. Really make sure we've got our nutrition dialed in. Take this opportunity to learn, to explore, and to use these wonderful, natural and simple solutions to magnify and enhance the health of you and your family.



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Ready to discover self-directed health with a simple, natural holistic lifestyle? Find new possibilities for ways to feel empowered in your daily life. dōTERRA, "gift of the earth" in Latin, provides you with nature’s solutions so you can care for the whole you and enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health. As you personally experience the powerful benefits of essential oils, you will understand why dōTERRA is revolutionizing the way families are boosting their health. I knew nothing about doTERRA when I was searching for safe natural solutions to take my own health into my own hands. I'm so blessed that someone shared these gifts of the earth with me, changed my families lives for the better in so many ways. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me to start your journey and experience new levels of wholeness. You are in a self-directed health for yourself but not by yourself.

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