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Daily Routine with the Oils

Incorporating the oils in my daily routine didn't happen overnight. I started off working with one until that became a habit then I would incorporate another. I enjoy learning about the benefits about each one. About every few months I switch it up depends also how I'm feeling. Also changes up due to the seasons. Through time I have completely switched out all my cleaning products and gone all natural to reduce the toxic overload from all the chemicals in the cleaners.

During the morning

Before rolling out of bed I have a bottle of doTERRA Balance (Grounding Blend) on my nightstand and I'll just take a few drops in the palm of my hand and rub that on the bottom of both feet. Not only does it smell so good but that brings harmony to the mind and body, balances the emotions. Also has been shown to support the oxygen in the blood.

Lately my daily routine has been, in the morning, on an empty stomach start off with 1 Tbs of lemon juice (I used an ice tray and filled that with freshly squeezed lemon juice then placed in the freezer to keep fresh and easy convenience) with 1 drop of doTERRA lemon oil in 8oz "glass" of water. Lemon also help with the asorbtion of vitamins. Once I finish that I wait 20 min. before eating breakfast.

Side note: You always want to use a glass instead of plastic cups when placing the oils in your beverage. As highly concentrated and potent the oils are they naturally break down toxins which in turn will break down the toxins in the plastic then will be in your drinking water. For reassurance it is completely safe to take doTERRA Oils internally which is highly recommended as a natural detox.

Generally after my morning work out by then 20 min. have gone by, I'll have a shake/smoothie. Nothing fancy just frozen fruits (peach and mango) with one fresh banana and about 1 cup of almond milk. Then I mix in doTERRA TerraGreens into my shake.

  • Provides the body with essential nutrients

  • Supports immune health*

  • Supports digestive health*

  • Supports weight management*

  • Natural ingredients

Also can't forget the most important part in the morning is vitamins. doTERRA's most popular products is not the essential oils but it's their doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack®. LLV is full of essential nutrients, metabolism benefits, and powerful antioxidants designed to help promote energy, health, and lifelong vitality. So many individuals have been able to completely get off of their medication and over the counter prescriptions with this amazing product.


Getting ready for the day

The oils I love to use in the diffuser to get me going and help wake me up is doTERRA Wild Orange and doTERRA Peppermint. Really helps with uplifting the mood and gives that energizing momentum needed. I wouldn't be able to get my day started without my doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy Kit. I'll normally use Cheer Touch in the morning and Motivate Touch. This kit really helps get me through the work day as so many emotions are taking place by either dealing with an angry customer, overloaded with work load, meeting deadlines, and so forth.


Emotional Aromatherapy Kit

Included in the Emotional Aromatherapy Kit is as follows:

Cheer Touch (Uplifting Blend)

  • I apply over the heart to help me be more happy in the morning (I'm not a cheerful person in the morning)

  • Promotes feelings of optimism, cheerfulness, and happiness

  • Counteracts negative emotions of feeling down, blue, or low

Console Touch (Comforting Blend)

  • If I'm having a rough day will apply to wrist or back of neck

  • Promotes feelings of comfort and hope

  • Counteracts negative emotions of grief, sadness, and hopelessness

Forgive Touch (Renewing Blend)

  • For when I'm feeling jittery or upset, I apply to either the wrist or back of neck

  • Promotes feelings of contentment, relief, and patience

  • Counteracts negative emotions of anger and guilt

Motivate Touch (Encouraging Blend)

  • Apply to the back of the ears along the bone, also put in palm of hands and rub them together to breathe that in for about 30 seconds also helps wake me up during that mid-afternoon slump.

  • Promotes feelings of confidence, courage, and belief

  • Counteracts negative emotions of doubt, pessimism, and cynicism

Passion Touch (Inspiration Blend)

  • Apply over the heart or wrist if needing that inspiration during the day, helps with creativity, if working on a project.

  • Ignites feelings of excitement, passion, and joy

  • Counteracts negative feelings of boredom and disinterest

Peace Touch (Reassuring Blend)

  • I apply to either my temples, over my shoulders

  • Promotes feelings of peace, reassurance, and contentment

  • Counteracts anxious and fearful emotions

  • To calm an upset or restless child, apply to bottoms of feet.



If you enjoy your afternoon tea like I do you can add 1-2 drops of doTERRA Spearmint to your tea bag and enjoy a nice Spearmint tea. It's a nice pick me up and the aroma is very uplifting. Makes my mouth feel fresh and has a soothing feeling for the stomach.

Diffusing the oils is another benefit to incorporate into your daily routines. The olfactory system, involves our smell, sends information to our brain that helps us regulate our emotions, memory and more. This system interacts with aroma molecules. This is why emotions are so tied strongly to scent. Our sense of small can influence how our body feel and react in certain situations and positively support our mental health. This reacts like a light switch and sends signals to the rest of the body systems within seconds.

Last year doTERRA came out with a new line of products, Adaptiv System, specifically and perfectly constructed by doctors and scientists to help support memory, ease tension, help the body and mind stay balanced during life’s stressful moments. The products can be used aromatically, internally and topically. To help me be able to keep focus I enjoy diffusing the Adaptiv oil in the diffuser and Adaptiv Touch to my wrist and back of my neck. The Adaptiv capsules combine clinically studied botanicals with a blend of essential oils to help manage the effects of stress and anxious feelings. Can use each product on their own and for the best results all three together.

Diffuser blends I have been enjoying during the work day

I Believe


  • 5 Drops Clementine

  • 5 Drops Spearmint

Please also check out Essential Oils A-Z that I have on Black Spruce to learn more on it's benefits. At the top of the page under Blog are drop down subtitles then go to Essential Oils A-Z.


It is so IMPORTANT to keep HYDRATED during the day. By staying hydrated not only helps with physical health but also with mental health. I recommend Mid-Afternoon to have another 8oz of water with 2 drops of lemon oil.

Check out my blog on the doTERRA New Products for the 3 month Wellness Kits Programs in regards to Immunity Path, Relief Path, Mind & Mood Path



A great way to unwind is to soak in a warm bath with Epsom Salt. It's best to add the essential oils to Epsom salt first, and stir that in. By adding the oils to the salt first prevents the oils from float to the top of the water, this way it helps disperse it all through out the water. Add the blended Epsom Salt to your warm bath water. Immediately can soak in the bath water for no more than 20 min. The Epsom Salt soak will draw out the toxins out of the body and absorb the essential oils through the skin. You are getting the benefits from the Epsom Salt and the essential oils. If any longer than 20 min., then the skin will start absorbing the toxins defeating the purpose. For best results do this 3 times a week. If not doing an Epsom Salt soak in the tub, I enjoy an Epsom Salt foot bath. Same concept I just use a container to put my feet in and use about 2TBS of Epsom Salt. You can always make this ahead of time.

Epsom Salt Blends

Combine 15 drops of essential oils (See blend ideas below) with 1 Cup of Epsom salt in a container. Dissolve 1/4 to 1/2 cup of this bath salt mixture in warm bathwater before bathing

Relaxing Bliss

  • 5 Drops of Lavender

  • 5 Drops Petitgrain

  • 3 Drops Fennel

  • 2 Drops Orange

Soothe Your Troubles

  • 4 Drops Lavender

  • 4 Drops Roman Chamomile

  • 4 Drops Cedarwood

  • 3 Drops Lemongrass

Refreshed and Ready to Go

  • 4 Drops Peppermint

  • 4 Drops Lavender

  • 3 Drops grapefruit

  • 3 Drops Lemongrass

Detox Bath

Diffuser Blends that I enjoy in the evenings being that it's fall is doTERRA Harvest Spice. If you do not have that oil, I have these DIY blends that I absolutely love and have them already made up and keep by the diffuser. In case you are wondering why I don't just burn a candle the biggest reason is with diffusing the essential oils is that it's cheaper, as well as, we receive the benefits that the chemistry of each oil brings. Also we are reducing Toxic Overload, the synthetics and chemicals used in the candles are just being inhaled into the lungs.

Diffuser Blends

Warm Apple Pie

  • 3 Drops Ginger

  • 2 Drops Cinnamon

  • 2 Drops Clove

Orange Spice

  • 2 Drops Cinnamon

  • 2 Drops Clove

  • 2 Drops Cardamom

  • 4 Drops Wild Orange

Sweet September

  • 2 Drops Cinnamon

  • 2 Drops On Guard

  • 1 Drop Clove

  • 1 Drop Wild Orange



Skin Care

I love all skin care products doTERRA offers. I have never had any issues or side effects. I have very sensitive skin when it comes to cleaning my face, as you may have read in my blog "My Discovery." I use the HD Clear for those pesky blemishes. I have used the Verage Skin Care Collection and loved it, it is for that younger skin but anyone can use it. I go back and forth. If I had to choose, which is difficult, my absolute favorite is the Essential Skin Care.

Hair Care

We use the doTERRA Salon Essentails Hair Care System combines pure botanical extracts, all natural, color safe including the CPTG essential oils and smells so lovely with the Wild Orange. The past couple months I have been adding to my shampoo 3 drops each doTERRA Clary Sage (helps promote hair to grow faster and stay on the head longer by supporting the estrogen hormone level), doTERRA Rosemary (helps with hair loss promotes the hair growth), and doTERRA Melaleuca (cleanses the skin on the scalp).

Diffuser Protocol

An hour before we head onto bed we turn off all electronics and I like to get the diffuser started to help unwind the mind. The past month I was noticing we were not having the quality sleep we are used to having. We just seemed restless during the night tossing and turning, if we got up to use the restroom in the middle of the night we were having difficulty falling back to sleep. I tried a new blend and compared to the past month these few nights we have not got up once or tossed or turned in the night, the quality of sleep has been restored (see blend below)

At times switching up your usual night protocol is needed based on what your body is needing at that moment or what it's going through. I have done several protocols that works splendidly for me to help quiet the mind, fall a sleep and stay a sleep.

  • doTERRA Lavender on the wrist, back of neck, temples, place one drop in hands and lightly brush across your pillow. Truly helps me by quieting my mind to fall asleep.

  • doTERRA Serenity Combo, diffuse the oil at night and apply to bottoms of feet and for the best benefits take along with doTERRA Serenity softgel to help you get the refreshing sleep you need without leaving you feeling groggy and sleepy the next day.

  • To help open those air ways at night I diffuse 2-3 drops each doTERRA Breathe and doTERRA Lime.

  • During environmental threats I will also rub doTERRA On Guard Touch on the bottom of our feet.

  • Rubbing doTERRA Vetiver on the bottom of my feet and top off with doTERRA Balance is another way to help me feel relaxed and help fall a sleep.

  • The new diffuser blend we have been using that has been AMAZINGLY wonderful!

    • Tranquil Sleep

    • 3 Drops doTERRA Adaptiv (helps quiet the mind)

    • 3 Drops doTERRA Black Spruce (helps to fall asleep)

    • 1 Drop Wild Orange (helps you stay asleep)

Brushing our teeth protocol

We use doTERRA On Guard Toothpaste and Mouthwash has that natural solution cleaning the teeth and get the benefits of On Guard to boost the immune system. After brushing my teeth I will also do one drop of doTERRA Frankincense "King of Oils" under my tongue. Frankincense supports the immune system, nervous system, and supports cellular function.


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Ready to discover self-directed health with a simple, natural holistic lifestyle? Find new possibilities for ways to feel empowered in your daily life. dōTERRA, "gift of the earth" in Latin, provides you with nature’s solutions so you can care for the whole you and enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health. As you personally experience the powerful benefits of essential oils, you will understand why dōTERRA is revolutionizing the way families are boosting their health. I knew nothing about doTERRA when I was searching for safe natural solutions to take my own health into my own hands. I'm so blessed that someone shared these gifts of the earth with me, changed my families lives for the better in so many ways. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me to start your journey and experience new levels of wholeness. You are in a self-directed health for yourself but not by yourself.

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Monica Einsel

Independent Wellness Advocate

Advocating for a new healthier you to become the best version of yourselves by using natural solutions to improve energy, sleep, and wellness.

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