First Aid with Essential Oils

Apply to the affected area, bandage with gauze to keep clean. Re-apply oils when changing the bandage. Use any of the following oils topically with a carrier oil:
Thyme - has cleansing and purifying effects for the skin; however, due to its high thymol content, Thyme oil should be diluted with a carrier oil before application.
Lavender - Soothes occasional skin irritations. Frequently used to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections.
Frankincense - Its soothing and beautifying properties are used to rejuvenate skin and help reduce the appearance of imperfections when applied topically.
Copaiba - can be applied to the skin to promote a clear, smooth complexion.
Melaleuca - AKA Tea Tree. Tea Tree is used on occasional skin irritations, for cleansing and to soothe the skin.
Helichrysum - Helichrysum oil is often used to prevent signs of aging and referred to as “The Everlasting Flower” because of its rejuvenating benefits for the skin and ability to improve the complexion.
Correct-X - doTERRA Correct-X is a multi-purpose, natural ointment that helps soothe skin and enhance the natural process of skin returning to a healthy state after being distressed. Includes Frankincense, Helichrysum, Tea Tree, Cedarwood, and Lavender to soothe and purify skin.
Use moleskin Band-Aids to protect blisters. Apply oils topically.
Lavender is best followed by Melaleuca, Copaiba, or Frankincense.
For minor first degree burns, submerse the area in cool water. Apply oils topically to affected area. Use any of the following oils diluted:
Lavender - Soothes occasional skin irritations. Frequently used to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections.
Melaleuca - AKA Tea Tree. Tea Tree is used on occasional skin irritations, for cleansing and to soothe the skin.
Roman Chamomile, or - The plant has been nicknamed the “plant’s physician” because it has positive effects on plants growing nearby. Ancient Romans used Roman Chamomile oil for courage during war. While the most common use of chamomile is in teas, Roman Chamomile oil can also be found in face creams, drinks, hair dyes, shampoos, and perfumes. Roman Chamomile essential oil is known for its calming effect on the skin, mind, and body.
Peppermint - used to cool the body down when over heated.
Apply to the infected area of the skin.
Douglas Fir - Cleansing and purifying to the skin
Clary Sage - known for its calming properties and benefits to the skin also promotes healthy looking hair and scalp
Bergamot - Provides skin purifying benefits, soothe and rejuvenate skin
Copaiba - can be applied to the skin to promote a clear, smooth complexion.
Cinnamon - diluted with carrier oil. Promote healthy circulatory function
To provide relief to a cut, scrape, or abrasion, apply topically to the affected area. Use
Melaleuca - AKA Tea Tree. Tea Tree is used on occasional skin irritations, for cleansing and to soothe the skin.
Copaiba - can be applied to the skin to promote a clear, smooth complexion.
Lavender or - Soothes occasional skin irritations. Frequently used to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections.
Frankincense - to support skin regeneration, and
Helichrysum - to help stop bleeding.
Apply essential oils to behind the neck, on the temples, or place the oils in the patient’s hand to inhale.
Heat Stroke
Apply to temples or the back of the neck when the patient experiences heat stroke or heat exhaustion, use one of the following.
Peppermint diluted with carrier oil
Use 1 drop of any of the following oils topically, diluted with carrier oil;
Apply oils topically to bone bruise, fracture or break. Us the following oils all diluted with carrier oil:
Wintergreen - The main chemical component in Wintergreen oil, methyl salicylate = Natures Aspirin
Birch - In fact, Wintergreen and Birch are the only plants in the world that contain methyl salicylate naturally
Siberian Fir - Its analgesic and antiarthritic properties make it a good oil to use on muscles and joints.
Marjoram - great for the musculoskeletal system, sprains, stiffness, tendon injuries, cartilage injuries, bruising, joint pain, etc.
Apply topically to the bruised area. Use any of the following oils, diluted as necessary:
Helychrysum - referred to as “The Everlasting Flower” because of its rejuvenating benefits for the skin and ability to improve the complexion.
Geranium - Promotes the appearance of clear, healthy skin
Lavender - Applied topically, Lavender oil is frequently used to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and inflammation
Soothing Blend - Deep Blue providing comforting to problem areas
Anti-Aging Blend - rejuvenates, sooths and nourishes the skin, keeps skin moisturized and healthy looking
Apply to temples or the back of the neck when the patient experiences headaches or migraines. Use Tension Blend, Peppermint, Frankincense, Lavender, or Soothing Blend. Dilute as necessary.
Apply topically to the affected area.
Dilute as necessary, particularly if pores are open due to strenuous activity. Dilute as necessary.
Marjoram - Offers is its ability to have a positive effect on the nervous system. To bring relief to your muscles, apply Marjoram essential oil to the desired areas of your skin before and after exercising. Marjoram is also a perfect oil to add to a soothing massage blend for targeting tired and stressed muscles.
Lemongrass - The soothing properties of Lemongrass essential oil also make it helpful for the body after physical activity.
Frankincense - produce a healthy inflammatory response when taken internally
Blue Tansy - Provides a soothing sensation when applied to the skin
Here's a YouTube video of how to pack a hiking & camping first aid kit

Excruciating Muscle Pain
1 drop each in capsule filled with FCO (Fractionated Coconut Oil)
Muscle Massage Blend
2 oz squeeze bottle
5 Caraway
8 Copaiba
3 Cypress
5 Birch if have
Fill the rest of the bottle with FCO
Soothing Aching Muscles
2 cardamom
4 lemongrass
5 ginger
6 lavender
Add FCO, can cut in half and rub over aching muscles
Pain Relieving Salve
Use a double boiler
2 tsp bees wax
2 1/2 Tbs coconut oil
1 Tbs of FCO, or sweet almond oil
10 drops of Pink pepper
8 drops of lavender
8 drops of helychrisum
2 oz glass jar
in the boiler melt the bees wax and coconut oil until melted, then add the FCO, then allow the mixture cool about 5 min. before adding the EO. Then pour into the jar to let it solidify w/n 30 min to an hr. Rub on sore muscles
Owie Blend
10 ml rollerball bottle
30 drops Lavender
30 drops Tea Tree
20 drops Fractionated Coconut oil
Apply to "owie" as needed. This blend works for easing scrapes, cuts and blisters. Also good for scaly, itchy patches like eczema or hives.
Bruise Blend
10 ml rollerball bottle
20 drops Lavender
20 drops Cypress
20 drops Frankincense
20 drops Fractionated Coconut oil
Roll on to bruised area as needed to help with pain and to cut down duration of bruise
Aching Muscle Blend
10 ml rollerball bottle
30 drops Peppermint
30 drops Lavender
20 drops Fractionated Coconut oil
Massage into achy areas as needed