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My Discovery

When you feel that tug in your heart, the little voice that we are always told, "it's your conscience"speaking to you, or I feel it in my gut; it's always wise to listen to what our Healer is telling us, what your body is telling you.


For me and my family we are going on a journey and discovering holistic, natural solutions. It's taking me 8 years to understand just a sliver and continuously learning. My style is taking my time and not go through a drastic type of a change, ease myself, my family into this life style change in natural solutions. For others they can go all out and that is truly wonderful, everyone is so different. For me it's that mental preparation that takes me a moment. The biggest thing that we all think about is, how is this going to affect me FINANCIALLY? With these natural solutions there was truly no worries to be had, literally pennies to each drop compared to how much was being spent on conventional medication. I always hear that little voice, tug in my heart, to seek Him in all that I do, especially with my families health. Being one with nature, is simply VALUE and RESPECT what our Creator has perfectly made for us on this Earth.

All things were created by Him, and it was very good. The Earth is full of the Lord's steadfast love.

The first time I was exposed to essential oils was in junior high. It was mentioned to me that Tea Tree oil is great for blemishes. Of course during that time in my life as a young pre-teen/teenager I was struggling with blemishes and break outs on my face. My mom and I were trying every face wash we can find. Following all the steps one through four and so on of these facial cleaners with the notion from the promises on the labels. It felt like such a huge burden and was so exhausting to have to follow all these regimens day in and day out just to have clear skin. The struggle of blemishes was one thing but no telling how much we were spending to try this product and that product. After a couple of days or so felt like my skin would be completely dried out and cracking. There were times the skin on my face was chemically burned. The pain and anguish I went through I wish I knew then what I know now. All the chemicals and synthetics in facial cleaners it's no wonder my body was telling/screaming at me this is not right. Your cells can not be lied to, your cells know what is natural and pure.

I began trying essential oils, that sounds natural enough, and it was just one step can't beat that! I would put a small dab on the problem areas at night being that the aroma of Tea Tree oil is on the strong side. I was amazed how much that has truly cleared up my problem areas in such a short time. Mind you doTERRA was not around at that time and I have tried several name brand essential oils which after a while learned that how other name brands use synthetics and are contaminated. I then came across after so much trial by error and research, doTERRA's purist, all natural, highest quality essential oils. You many wonder how do I know? doTERRA's mission for one is committed in purity and have a high quality standard. Their transparency in bringing to light how their oils go through such a rigorous process in testing the purity and quality of the oils is for all to see by going to SourceToYou, but that's another story.

If I could, I would go back into time and tell my past self it's ok, there is a much simpler, all natural solution that will save myself time and money. I would also then supply myself 8 years worth of doTERRA Tea Tree Touch until doTERRA was founded in 2008. I fully stand by doTERRA Tea Tree oil and Tea Tree Touch (diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil for sensitivity) for blemishes, skin issues, cuts and wounds but also HD clear.


5 Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil

1. On skin blemishes

2. On your hair and nails

3. Soothe your skin

4. Clean your surfaces

5. Clean the air


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Ready to discover self-directed health with a simple, natural holistic lifestyle? Find new possibilities for ways to feel empowered in your daily life. dōTERRA, "gift of the earth" in Latin, provides you with nature’s solutions so you can care for the whole you and enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health. As you personally experience the powerful benefits of essential oils, you will understand why dōTERRA is revolutionizing the way families are boosting their health. I knew nothing about doTERRA when I was searching for safe natural solutions to take my own health into my own hands. I'm so blessed that someone shared these gifts of the earth with me, changed my families lives for the better in so many ways. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me to start your journey and experience new levels of wholeness. You are in a self-directed health for yourself but not by yourself.

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Monica Einsel

Independent Wellness Advocate

Advocating for a new healthier you to become the best version of yourselves by using natural solutions to improve energy, sleep, and wellness.

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