Precious Floral| doTERRA Neroli Touch

The floral aromas are my always go to. For me are, Jasmine, Neroli, and Rose. When we smell an aroma it interacts with our emotions instantly. We can be taken back to an old memory that we may have forgotten until we smell a familiar smell. It's truly amazing how quick we can change our mood with our sense of smell. For me Jasmine and Neroli always take me back in time of a memory of my Grandmother. In this memory I had to be as young as 5 years old. I was so drawn to these two oils when I instantly smelled them brining me back to this very precious moment in my life. The memory is of us walking down a dirt road out in the country from where we lived to go fishing. The little path we would walk down was all but trees and had these huge floral bushes on both sides with white and yellow little flowers. Though I guarantee they were not Jasmine or Neroli (bitter orange trees) but those aromas were pretty similar. That was her favorite fishing hole and how it smelled so wonderful every time we go fishing, just her and I.
Primary Uses
Emotional Balance
Sensitive Skin
Chemistry Constituents:
d-Limonene - research suggests limonene may be soothing to the skin, and when applied topically, may help to keep the skin looking healthy
Monoterpenes - known for their calming and cleansing properties
Historical Uses: Neroli has been regarded traditionally by the Egyptian people for its great attributes for healing the mind, body, and spirit. It brings everything into the focus of one and at the moment.
Neroli has some powerfully soothing psychological effects. It is calming and relaxing to the the body and spirit. It may also help to strengthen and stabilize the emotions and bring relief to seemingly hopeless situations. It encourages confidence, courage, joy, peace, and sensuality.
Essential Emotions
Neroli on the emotional level is shared Purpose and Partnership.

Neroli is a unifying and stabilizing oil. It is particularly helpful for calming troubled hearts in relationship conflict. Its influence promotes harmony in the changing dynamics of long-term relationships. Ongoing partnerships require acceptance and growth. Over time, perceived weaknesses in others come into full view, and, as a result, individuals can grow bitter, frustrated, unsympathetic, and create emotional distance from people they once loved and cherished. If left unchecked, these feelings can grow into dysfunctional and destructive thoughts and behaviors. Perceived stagnation in a relationship can cause despair and apathy, and feed a desire to blame, punish, or escape. Alternatively, Neroli invites individuals to develop the character traits of fidelity, empathy, patience, forgiveness, and resilience to ease these relationship challenges.
Neroli teaches that unity blossoms from adaptation, cooperation, tolerance, perseverance, and kindness. It encourages active acceptance and supportive space for the chosen partner. Neroli invites individuals to attune their focus to the beautiful tapestry that is created as two lives intertwine to share purpose and find meaning.
Negative Emotions
Conflicted, restless, impatient, bitter, frustrated, unsympathetic, disloyal, dispassionate, sexual inhibition, aloof, unkind, stagnant, blaming, escapism
Positive Emotions
Patient, empathetic, kind, tolerant, fidelity, calm, intimate, sexual desire, resilient, cooperative, committed
Suggested Uses
Aromatic: Inhale from bottle, diffuse, or place drops in hand, rub,
and inhale. Topical: Apply 1-3 drops over heart, sacral chakra (lower stomach), throat, or behind ears.
Companion Oils
Geranium, Jasmine, Cinnamon, Whisper, Marjoram, Spikenard, ClaryCalm
[Essential Emotions Book]
Other Possible Uses
This oil may help support the digestive system and may help inhibit bacteria, infections, parasites, and viruses. It may also help with anxiety, chronic diarrhea, colic, convulsions, depression, digestive spasms, fear, flatulence, headaches, heart (regulates rhythm), hysteria, insomnia, mature and sensitive skin, menopause, nervous dyspepsia, nervous tension, palpitations, PMS, poor circulation, scars, shock, stress-related conditions, stretch marks, tachycardia, thread veins, and wrinkles. In support of the skin, it works at the cell level to help shed the old skin cells and stimulate new cell growth.
Post menopausal women who inhaled neroli oil were found to have improved scores on a menopausal symptom questionnaire compared to a control group
Calming Strong Emotions Diffuser Blend
4 drops neroli
3 drops lemon
2 drops basil
Focus Your Goals
5 drops neroli
3 drops cedarwood
2 drops geranium
1 drop rose
Nocturnal Focus
5 drops neroli
4 drops lavender
2 drops lemon
Relaxing Massage Blend:
3 drops neroli
3 drops petitgrain
3 drops marjoram
1 drop spikenard
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) carrier oil
Calming Massage Blend:
Neroli essential oil is very calming to the body and mind. When you get feeling too stressed or anxious, try massaging one of these blends into your tense muscles.
6 drops petitgrain
5 drops Wild Orange
4 drops neroli
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) carrier oil
Stress Relief Roll-on:
3 drops bergamot
2 drops Wild Orange
2 drops lavender
2 drops neroli
1 drops lemongrass
2 tsp. (10 ml) carrier oil
Sleep Restfully Roll-on:
4 drops Wild Orange
3 drops cedarwood
3 drops neroli
2 drops Roman chamomile
2 tsp. (10 ml) carrier oil
Digestive Support Roll-on:
5 drops neroli
4 drops Wild Orange
2 drops peppermint
2 tsp. (10 ml) carrier oil
*Add oils to a 10 ml roll-on bottle. Fill the bottle the rest of the way with a carrier oil.
Add to a Relaxing Bath Neroli calms and slows the mind and is useful for insomnia, hysteria, and all states of anxiety and depression. Combine one of the following oil blends with 1/4–1/2 cup (60–120 g) epsom salt, and evenly disperse throughout the tub. Alternatively, you can add these essential oil combinations to these bath bombs. These blends can also be used in a diffuser, roll-on, or linen spray.
Calming Peace:
5 drops neroli
3 drops Roman chamomile
2 drops petitgrain
Insomnia & Sleep:
4 drops neroli
2 drops juniper berry
2 drops chamomile
Nervous Tension:
2 drops bergamot
2 drops marjoram
1 drop neroli
2 drops sandalwood
Nourish Your Skin Neroli is beneficial for all skin types, especially if there is dryness, redness, or irritation. Neroli stimulates the regeneration of new cells and the elimination of old ones, improving skin’s elasticity. It is generally helpful for all kinds of skin problems such as thread veins, scarring, and stretch marks. Try using the blend below as a facial cream or skin cream to help nourish your skin.
Improved Skin:
3 drops neroli
2 drops frankincense
2 drops Roman chamomile
1–2 tsp. (4–8 g) Coconut Oil
Create a Peaceful Atmosphere for Romance or Meditation The reputed aphrodisiac quality of neroli stems from its ability to calm any nervous apprehension that may be felt before a sexual encounter. Neroli can be a means of overcoming sexual difficulties that rise from anxiety or tension. The traditional use of orange blossom in bridal wreaths arose from this property of neroli, though it has long been forgotten. Try diffusing this blend or use it in a linen spray:
Peaceful Romance:
5 drops neroli
1 drop sandalwood
Neroli also helps in creating a peaceful atmosphere when it is used in meditation. Diffuse neroli essential oil (or the Peaceful Romance blend above), and rub a drop of the oil over the heart to achieve a calm heart and relaxed mind.
Essential Emotions Book
Modern Essential Book