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Respiratory Support

Take a deep do you feel when you take a deep breath?

What does it do to your body, your energy level when you take in a deep breath. Changes everything, we feel awake, alert, alive!

Did You Know?

  • We exhale about 0.6 fluid ounces of water per hour

  • The surface area of the lungs is approximately the same size as a tennis court

  • A person at rest breathes between 12-15 times per minute

  • The right lung is slightly larger than the left, generally

  • The capillaries in the lungs would extend nearly 1000 miles if laid end to end

So hydration is important!

Just so we are all on the same page we'll go over a little Biology 101. The respiratory system is made up of more than just the lungs. You've got, of course, the nose and nasal cavity the trachea. All designed to take in air, deliver oxygen, and expel carbon dioxide. All of this is a natural cellular process. This is a system of the body that we can't live without, and it's a system of the body that we want to support as much as possible because it is important!

Necessary for survival, it's hard wired into the brainstem actually, it's under automatic control of the brain because oxygen is critical for our existence. We need oxygen, we need to increase oxygen. Most of us are not getting the levels we should, all the time, and this is your reasons why for energy production, molecule building, maintaining our cells. Oxygen is very chemically reactive. The atomic structure of oxygen means it is a very reactive atom and we use it for a lot of reactions within the body. It wants to react and so it's important that we're getting it.

Factors of Respiratory Health

A number of factors contribute to respiratory health

  • Exercise

  • Avoiding environmental toxins

  • doTERRA oils and supplements

Exercise goes without saying. It helps to maintain respiratory health by strengthening the diaphragm and other supporting muscles within the lungs that exercise helps increase. The ability of the Lungs expel air while exhaling which can result in more efficient elimination of carbon dioxide right. All of these are critically important.

Avoiding environmental toxins is hard to do sometimes. Depending on where we live or where we have to be is not always an option.

A simple and natural solution we can do is use essential oils to help keep the air clean and refreshing.. The Cleansing Blend, Purify was designed to create that immediate clean smell in the home. It has a phenomenal aroma and I love using it for multiple cleaning purposes in the home especially cleansing the air. We have a new blend, called Air-X that was just released beginning of this year. And it was actually designed to help with air purification from pollution. If you all haven't tried Air-X yet, then I highly recommend it.

Best way to utilize the Essential Oils (EO), is through diffusing, do not have to use a lot. There are 20-40 negative ions typically floating around the air in a average apartment room per cubic centimeter. If you go to an area with a lot of greenery you will have around 100-200 negative ions per cubic centimeter. In a city park there are about 400-600 negative ions per cubic centimeter. Out in the country there are about 700-1500 negative ions per cubic centimeter in the air. If you use a diffuser you can get 210 negative ions, by just using a few drops of EO they will land on the dust mites particles, and bacteria in the air and drag them down to the ground and kill them. Great way to maintain your respiratory health. The EO quickly enters through the body through our nose for cellular support. [Evan Thomas]


Testimonies on Purify & Air-X

Terry - I had an accident here where I was making something, got busy doing something else and, you know, how things, smell when they burn. That's the first thing I did get the diffusers out and had them going, and it cleared out the burnt smell, It was no traces left of anything.

Jen - When I first got Air-X, I just went Oh, my gosh, I use it in the diffuser almost every day. It is absolutely wonderful.

A couple of other oils that are beneficial for diffusion for respiratory support are Douglas Fir and Eucalyptus. I really love Eucalyptus essential oil, especially during times of high seasonal threats like in the springtime. The dominant chemical compounds in eucalyptus, are Eucalyptal and Alpha-Pinene. These chemical components makes this oil phenomenal for promoting clear breathing and open those airways. Through topical and aromatic use, the benefits of Douglas Fir have a similar benefit. And so you can apply both of these EO topically. To reduce any sensitivity is a good idea to dilute them with FCO (Fractionated Coconut Oil) when applying them topically. But diffusion with these two is great when combined. Me personally I keep a bottle of eucalyptus oil in the shower because if you sprinkle a few drops of eucalyptus oil on you or around you in the shower, then it kind of creates this European spa like experience. It's really, really great and just opens up your airways, and it is a phenomenal experience.



The oil that is most well-known for supporting our respiratory health is breathe. Breathe, has led to the creation of a couple of other products including the breathe stick that you see there on the left, and the breathe respiratory drops that are somewhat like you might consider to be like a cough drop or menthol drop. Great to have on hand when traveling, any public speaking or singing in the choir, they're phenomenal. Breathe Oil itself does so much for the throat, and of course, your respiratory health as well. Breathe oil is a combination of the following.

  • Laura Leaf - boosts immune function and is believed to also support the lymphatic system

  • Peppermint - is very cooling, and helping to open up the airways

  • Eucalyptus - really great for supporting respiratory function

  • Tea Tree - very powerful in respiratory support

  • Lemon - very beneficial to respiratory support due to their limonene content, all citrus oils as well

  • Ravintsara - is an oil that has a lot of rich history in helping support our respiratory function

  • Cardamom - has so many benefits but the biggest benefit, is its ability to support respiratory function


Testimonies on Breathe

Martha - So my first daughter, who's now, nine years old, she had gotten croup back right before her first birthday, so she was like, a little over 11 months old. And we actually had to rush her to the hospital. At that time, I didn't really know too much about oils. So, we actually had gotten a sample of breathe and, luckily, I had a diffuser that was given to me. I just use it in her room, and it didn't brake up the cough. But she slept so much better diffusing breathe and then I actually diluted the breathe, and I put it on her chest, and up and down her neck, and up and down the back of her spine. And within a couple of days, like, she was a totally different kid.

Anna - Well my best friend gave me Breathe. I diffuse it in my house since beginning of January. During the whole pandemic, my dad, is totally fine, he never had it, thank God, any complications, and I never got that COVID, so the Breathe oil is a must have with me at all times, especially during the winter months and coming in spring, very very powerful.


In the wellness programs, these are set up to be a three month course, to really zero in on that particular issue for one's health and use a variety of products to focus on that area. So as you all know, our body chemistry is different, one from another, and the results that we get from the products can be different. Sometimes the product that works for the masses to help with a certain issue might not be the product that works for you. It could be something else, we have to look at a variety of suggestions to find the right one that works for us. And so when someone opts into one of the wellness programs, it's $75 for the month. And for three consecutive months will receive three different kits focused on that particular topic. One can always cancel at any time during that three month course. This is such a simple wellness program specifically designed by doctors and scientists delivered right to your door step. To help maximize each product comes along with information exactly how to use each one. Here is an overview of what is included in the Respiratory Wellness Kits.

Here's all three kits. If we were to purchase each item individually the value is about $100 value. The perk of being a member we get these kits below wholesale at $75. Also includes some great freebies in here as well, that otherwise not available to purchase.

The first month is Kit 1, comes with the beautiful little bag, this is to store oils in. Included is a bottle breathe oil, Lime, oil, Cardamom, some Peppermint beedlets, and a personal diffuser. Beautiful setup and a great introduction. Out of all the citrus oils, lime is actually the, best for respiratory support and opening up the airways. Cardamom we know that its primary function is for digestive health, as well as, part of the breathe blend.

The second month is Kit 2, automatically will show up in your order when you opt into the program. Included is Breathe touch. A 5mL Laurel Leaf Oil, not available for regular purchase. It, is one of the ingredients in the Breathe blend. Again Laura Leaf is really powerful as a natural decongestant. Eucalyptus Oil, also opens the bronchial. When environmental issues such as allergies are high, then TriEase is going to help support the body in that sense. And then you also get that shower diffuser, So you see there on the left of the brief, touch that little round stone that actually hangs in the shower. And so, you can put your eucalyptus oil or whatever oils you choose, right there on your shower diffuser and, and have that in the shower. So, that's going to be a popular popular product.

The third month is Kit 3. Will include a Breathe vapor stick. I love that product. By the way, if you think back to the old days, many of us, when we were kids, our parents or grandparents would put Vicks vapor rub on our chest if we were congested. And you can think of this as the all natural, totally safe version of that. There's a 5 mL On Guard Oil, full size bottle 15mL peppermint, 5 mL Ravintsara also not available for purchase. But a great addition to helping open up the airways, and then Air X for cleaning any pollutions, toxins in the air. Included in this kit is a car clip diffuser that you see there on the left that you just put right into the vent of your car and you can apply whatever oil of your choosing.

Add-Ons 20% off

Select up to 3 items each month



Lesa, - OK, talking about eucalyptus in the shower. So, after you've opened up your airways and are breathing better, take your washcloth or have a cleaning cloth in your shower, have some soap on it, put a drop or two of eucalyptus on it and clean your shower doors. It'll take the water and soap scum right off. Great for natural cleaning. Yeah, I took it a step further and cleaned the bugs off my headlights and my windshield and the bumper, it works great.

Hellen - Um, everything that's been going on. We ended up with COVID, my husband went to the dentist, and he brought it home. I ended up losing taste and smell for over a week, and luckily with the tools, the essential oils, we have, I was able to take care of that. But I had some asthma like symptoms for over eight years, and when I first got married, the doctor told me, I had the lungs of a smoker and I would need inhalers for the rest of my life. Well, I hated it. I gained 50 lbs just doing these steroids. And when I found doterra, I was able to get off of that completely, and peppermint is normally my go to when I have respiratory issues, but with the lingering effects of the COVID part of my tongue, it's like tingly and I smell funny exhaust type smells. And I've been using Breathe touch on my throat repeatedly when I feel the urge to cough. And it's been helping so much, especially in the diffuser as well. And if I don't have to wear a mask, anywhere, that helps a lot more, but I keep breathe in my pocket, and I also keep breathe drops in my purse. I never leave home without them, So I love doterra.

Mel- Well, mine is, I guess, a little funny story, but with my dog, she snores at night. So what I do, is I put a little breathe on the bridge of her nose and that helps her to settle down and the snoring. Well, it opens up the passages so I guess it helps her in that way.



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Monica Einsel

Independent Wellness Advocate

Advocating for a new healthier you to become the best version of yourselves by using natural solutions to improve energy, sleep, and wellness.

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