Spring in a Bottle

Tis the season days are longer, the beautiful flowers are blooming, trees are budding, and the grass is beginning to green up. The little birds are really chirping, ringing in the sound that the Earth is waking up from its winter slumber. This is one of my favorite seasons.
Springtime is the land awakening. March winds are the morning yawn ~ Lewis Gizzard

For most this is also the time of misery, and I’m meaning seasonal allergies. We will be going over having protection and natural relief during seasonal discomforts now we're coming into spring. There is a way around not having to get seasonal shots. TriEase is a more natural way with simple plant base solution that works with our body and that our body recognizes.

And we, the doTERRA community, have known for many, many years that when you combine peppermint, lemon and lavender together, you get this amazing combination called TriEase. TriEase is specifically designed for when seasonal and environmental threats are high. For the longest time before the convenience of TriEase Softgels we made this ourselves in veggie capsules.

We would fill our own little soft shell capsules of lavender, lemon and peppermint and then you have to take them pretty much right away because they will dissolve the capsules. Now instead of having to make up your own capsules couple times a day and not being able to make them ahead of time, doTERRA took care of that for us.

These plant based capsules hold together quite well, because they're stored in the bottle, and allow you to go to travel with them and have them on demand, when needed.
This is the typical products that is recommend first and foremost, for those who are struggling with seasonal discomforts and it is most effective.
Casey - Hi everybody, with seasonal threats and swollen eyes. It's actually the reason when I got started in doterra. So I love the TriEase and I have a little trick. I will poke a hole in one of the gel caps, and put it in a roller, with coconut oil, very heavily diluted, and roll it around my eye sockets for when I wear mascara, my eyes are bothering me. It works great! Be careful it has peppermint in it. So, be careful not to let it get into your eyes right, or you will definitely know.
Janina - I was having bad sinus infections for years. Six months out of the year on different antibiotics. And they wanted to do surgery on my sinuses. And all four years ago, whatever I started that, the TriEase and I have had, maybe one sinus infection in five years. And I was on all kinds of nasal prescriptions and now I'll take an occasional TriEase. So it worked.
TriEase works great for the majority of people. But there are occasionally some individuals, who’s allergies are extreme, and for those who may need even stronger than TriEase, we got you covered.

This combination was discovered actually in the “An Essential Life" book.

You do have to make this one yourself. It's a combination of three plants. This takes equal drops of each, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Cilantro, and Lavender. Add 5 drops of each to a veggie capsule, which will fill up the capsule.

Tea Tree Essential Oil is really great for seasonal threats and respiratory function. Then next we have Cilantro.

Cilantro Essential Oil is a great oil to use for a bodily cleanse due to its powerful cleansing and detoxifying abilities, sometimes a simple internal cleanse is just what the body needs.

Lavender Essential Oil has soothing properties and when taken internally helps reduce inflammation in the body.
This mixture together makes a really phenomenal natural antihistamine so highly, highly recommend looking into that for extreme seasonal allergies if the first combination of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint doesn’t seem to be strong enough.
Tony - I will tell you this combination has been a lifesaver for me. I have been suffering from sinus problems for about five years. I started using it and it's like, I can breathe again. I'm having less issues with the sinuses. The drainage. My head is clear. My eyes have quit watering. I do the drops, and I put it in either water or tea or coffee, and take it internally like that. If you do it that way, and not taking them in a capsule then use one drop each.
***Side Note: If you are making your own veggie capsules, DO NOT pre fill them and put them in a bottle or baggy thinking that you've got your supply built up now for a week or two. They will not make it, they will dissolve the capsules. You want to do it on demand. Just have the capsules and the three oils there, and then make it and take it all at the same time.
Spring in a Bottle

Citrus Bloom is really springtime in a bottle. This oil is not typically available for purchase. This week was doTERRA's flash sale, also known as, BOGO Deals. Wanted to talk about the two BOGO Deals that goes along with the Spring theme. You can apply it topically but diffusing it is the best way to help reduce feelings of anxiousness and tension.

Such a great one to diffuse at work to reduce anxious, and tension feelings while creating that positive outlook. Here is what makes this blend smell so wonderful.

Wild Orange and Grapefruit, citrus oils have a lot of phenomenal benefit especially Wild Orange, which has been nicknamed happiness in a bottle because you just feel good when you breathe it in, as well as the grapefruit oil is very stimulating.
Lavender contains Linalool; really has unique abilities to calm and distress and it has so many positive health benefits as well.
Roman Chamomile, its purpose is to help dissolve, anger, irritability, agitation, and stress, helps us move from frustration to purposeful. In fact, in ancient days, the Romans used Roman Chamomile before battle to empower them with courage and a clear mind.
Magnolia is a beautiful aroma, it's very strong floral aroma. Contains very high linalool, even higher in Linalool than lavender. And its intention, is to help us emotionally move from disturbed to confident and to help with irritability, anger, rage, grief, and shock. And so those are its emotional uses of the essential oil itself.
As you can see the blend of Citrus Bloom is just beautiful as a combination, as each of these oils bring their own benefits in this lovely aroma.
Debra, - My husband and I had experienced a few weeks ago and feel unanimous. Enjoyed the fragrance in it. It was very tranquil to us, I put it on our pillows
Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be ~ author unknown

The personal, uplifting Aroma, the Beautiful Touch, it's bright, floral, zesty, and very citrusy. Typically this blend is not readily available, this was the other BOGO deal from this week.

This is a touch blend, meaning that, we're going to be applying it on the person, this blend is incredible. It is a combination of what you see here. Lime, Osmanthus, Bergamot and Frankincense and all of these are very, very powerful, cleansing agents.

The two citrus oils lime and bergamot, when combined are great for respiratory support.
Frankincense: is instant, access to the brain. So when we breathe in frankincense, it is instant, chemical changes in the brain, which is why it is suggest for those who are struggling with nervous feelings, tension, anxiety, or just feel like they need to connect with a greater purpose and greater cause. Frankincense is the solution.
Bergamot: Let me just give you a little tidbit on bergamot, in case you were wondering, as a single oil. We have some great blends that address this issue, as well, but bergamot is one of the best essential oils to dissolve or diffuse anger. So, if you've got someone at home, ornery and angry, and just needs a little help, unless you are able to put oils on them or in them. You can put them in the air, and Bergamot will do that melt the attitude away.
Osmanthus, is an absolute, it has a beautiful aroma, very calming, it's just a wonderful, wonderful blend.
So, all of these together makeup, the Beautiful Touch.
Linda - Good morning, I absolutely love, Beautiful Touch, because this is absolutely one of my favorite blends to wear as my own perfume. I have severe chemical allergies, and so, doterra is all I can use, and I love this , love it, love it, love it. I Know, most perfumes out there almost all are heavy, heavily toxic. They might smell good, but they're heavily toxic. When you're looking for something natural, something that's not going to have a negative impact on your body, that would be doTERRA's oils, in fact, they have a very positive impact on the body.
There's a number of blends to use as a personal fragrance. Whisper has been very popular, several others, but beautiful is something that is just wonderful. And even the guys wear this, it is a gender neutral and it smells so good, and so I can't recommend it enough.
Diffuser Blends
Couple of blends I want to share with you that are just super aromatic and super perfect for spring since we're talking about spring

So this one is a stronger citrus, aroma but then Geranium kicks in this floral punch and makes it just really nice.