Spring Oils For the Mind, Heart & Body

The month of March promotion is coming at a good time as we are approaching into Spring! See how each oil, Lemongrass, Cedarwood, Breathe, On Guard, Wild Orange and Peppermint impacts our mind, heart, and body.

Diffusing Lemongrass oil when you want to overpower feelings of nervousness, or eliminate mental fatigue and heighten your awareness. Place one drop in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, and inhale softly for up to 30 seconds or longer as desired.
Provides an extra boost of vitality before a workout. Because it promotes wellness and vitality. Before exercising, massage one to two drops onto your chest. Calming to the mind, apply to the bottom of feet for children after a nightmare to promote peaceful, settling feelings.
Breathe & On Guard
By having those clear airways diffusing Breathe Respiratory blend can help alleviate tension during seasonal threats of Wintertime or Springtime
In a class setting, at work, or at home, place three to four drops of doTERRA On Guard essential oil in the diffuser of your choice and diffuse. Have a peace of mind knowing doTERRA On Guard oil will emit an uplifting scent and will help purify the air. Diffuse doTERRA On Guard especially during the fall and winter months.
Wild Orange and Peppermint
Diffusing Wild Orange oil will energize and uplift the mind and body while purifying the air. For an energizing boost, dispense one to two drops in the palm of your hand along with equal parts Peppermint and Frankincense essential oils. Then, rub the combination on the back of your neck to maintain uplifting feelings. If you want to feel energized first thing in the morning, add a few drops of Wild Orange essential oil to your body wash for an invigorating shower.
Peppermint oil can be used aromatically to enliven the senses and promote a feeling of energy. This powerful oil can be extremely beneficial on its own, but when you add the right combination of essential oils to Peppermint oil, the synergy of the combination of oils leads to even more benefits. Combined with Wild Orange, this simple aromatic recipe is perfect for a mid-day pick-me-up.

Promotes a positive outlook. When you feel the need to purge whether it’s emotionally or need to de-clutter the house, can be a feeling of down and overwhelming. Lemongrass helps with those feelings that you want to hold onto things, helps with self-worth that we are not connected to the items that we own to help let go.
Creates emotional balance when diffused for that relaxing environment, add three to four drops in the diffuser. When you find yourself distressed by unfamiliar situations, inhale the aroma of Cedarwood oil to promote calming emotions. Diffusing Cedarwood oil in your home, office, or workspace can help promote feelings of confidence and self-esteem. Add 2 drops of Cedarwood and 2 drops of Wintergreen in the diffuser.
Breathe & On Guard
To many people, winter can often be associated with feelings of negativity. That deep breath you take at the onset of spring can literally be a “sigh of relief” as the world transitions to a less aversive state. It’s clear that sighing serves two purposes: a signal of both emotional distress and emotional relief. Consider diffusing or inhaling doTERRA Breathe while you’re taking deep breaths to promote feelings of respiratory health and psychophysiological relief simultaneously.
doTERRA On Guard essential oil emits a warm, spicy, and woody aroma. Diffusing doTERRA On Guard will fill the air with its sweet scent and provide an energizing and uplifting fragrance. When diffused, doTERRA On Guard essential oil can also cleanse the air. Next time you are expecting company at home, diffuse doTERRA On Guard to help purify the air and create a positive aroma.
Wild Orange & Peppermint
Wild Orange essential oil can also help uplift mood and increase feelings of energy. At the beginning of a stress-filled day, consider diffusing it to provide a revitalizing aroma that will help get you through any task. If you are feeling a lack of energy in the late afternoon or early evening, you can diffuse Wild Orange to help lift your mood and increase awareness. Fun Fact: Originating from Southeast Asia, oranges have been grown for centuries. In many cultures, orange trees are known as a symbol of love and marriage.
Use this simple yet invigorating diffuser blend and enjoy this fresh aroma in your home, office, or classroom. To make this blend, combine two drops of Peppermint oil, three drops of Grapefruit, and two drops of Sandalwood into a diffuser. Using Peppermint oil in your diffuser will produce a cooling, invigorating vapor. Additionally, the grounding and mood-enhancing properties of Sandalwood and the uplifting benefits of Grapefruit will work well with the soothing and relaxing effects of Peppermint oil to produce an energizing and calming aroma that all will enjoy.

For years, lemongrass has been used in Asian cuisine for soups, teas, curries, and seafood. Lemongrass essential oil is a favorite for massage, offers soothing and purifying benefits for the skin. It can also support healthy digestion when used internally. Add a few drops of Lemongrass oil to your food or beverages to add flavor and provide dietary support. You can also place a few drops in a doTERRA Veggie Capsule to promote healthy digestive function.You can even combine Lemongrass oil with Peppermint oil in a capsule to support healthy gastrointestinal function and maintain healthy digestion. Useful for naturally repelling insects. Diffuse, rub or spritz Lemongrass essential oil on topically can help keep mosquitoes and bugs away.
Used either aromatically or applied topically improves skin imperfections, keeps insects at bay. Adding one to two drops of Cedarwood oil to your facial toner or moisturizer for added clarifying properties. To keep bugs away consider adding to mulch while gardening.
Breathe & On Guard
doTERRA Breathe is a remarkable blend of essential oils including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Cardamom, Ravintsara, and Ravensara. doTERRA Breathe maintains feelings of clear airways and easy breathing while minimizing the effects of seasonal threats. doTERRA Breathe can be applied topically to the chest, back, or bottom of feet, or diffused at nighttime to calm the senses and promote a restful sleep.
doTERRA On Guard protects against environmental and seasonal threats with essential oils known for their positive effects on the immune system when ingested. doTERRA On Guard can be taken internally on a daily basis to maintain healthy immune function. It can also be used on surfaces throughout the home as a non-toxic cleaner. When diffused, doTERRA On Guard helps purify the air, and can be very energizing and uplifting.
Wild Orange & Peppermint
Wild Orange oil possesses stimulating and purifying qualities, making it ideal to support healthy immune system function when used internally. It can be taken daily to cleanse the body or used on surfaces as a natural cleaner. Wild Orange oil enhances any essential oil blend with a fresh, sweet, refreshing aroma.
Peppermint oil is well known for its ability to help alleviate occasional upset stomach and promote healthy respiratory function. Well known to add to culinary dishes or smoothies. Mix a drop of Peppermint oil with a drop of Lemon essential oil in water, take a sip, and swirl it around in your mouth for a healthy, refreshing mouth rinse. The most beneficial ingredient in this mouth rinse is menthol, a component found in Peppermint oil. Menthol has been used for centuries for its ability to cleanse and freshen. When you use a drop of Peppermint oil in your mouth rinse, the menthol is what gives it a fresh and minty kick.